(Abba): “My child, I’m in the air you’re breathing, I’m in the colors of the sky that welcome you into this new day, I’m in the song of the birds that awake you in the morning, I’m ever near you, day and night! Can you trust Me? Can you come silently in My presence and still yourself, so I can whisper into your heart the thoughts of My mind? I want to speak to you, just you! I’m a very intimate God who likes to speak to people personally, individually.
From time to time I also speak to congregations, sometimes to whole nations, and once in a while to the entire world, but I prefer to speak to each one of My children, those who are called by My name! I seek for intimacy, not rituals or traditions, for “I do not dwell in temples made with hands”(Acts 7:48), but in the hearts of each one of My precious children.
You are My child, and that’s what I like to call you … My child! Being a child of Mine should give you a sense of belonging to My Family and knowing that, as such, you can claim your rights! What are your rights, you ask? They are the rights that a child has from his father! You will one day inherit My Kingdom, along with all of My children, and therefore you can already walk in that knowledge, not with the wrong kind of pride, as it’s not something that you earned nor deserved, but with the pride of one who belongs to My family! As an heir, not as a servant! Being a co-heir with My Son makes you special, very special to Me, and therefore you should walk in that confidence, of being special!
You have also entered into a special covenant with My son, and this has listed you with those who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and as such you have also been called a bride! This is a mystery that few understand, but those who have been invited to the Marriage Supper of My Son, are part of His Bride, a universal body of believers, and can claim rights and privileges that not even a child has, only a spouse! You are not just a child, but also a bride, and therefore you have extra rights and authority which have been entrusted to you! Will you use that authority and that power to make a difference in this world?
As part of the Bride, you will one day sit at the right hand of the My throne, and you will be able to command the legions of angels that serve Me day and night … do you know that the angels are submitted to you? They know that you are an heir of the Kingdom, and that one day soon you will sit on My throne, therefore they are already now submitted to you, and you can command them by the royal seal that has been placed on your forehead …
Legions of angels are at your command, and you can instruct them with the wisdom that comes from above and command them to fight the battle for you! The battle is not yours, but Mine, and My loyal angels, who have not succumbed to the wiles of the enemy, are at your command! Command them and they will fight the battle for you! Command them and they will open the doors for you! Command them and they will manifest My power on your behalf, so that you can heal broken hearts and bring healing to My Family in the world!
Many of My children are broken hearted, because they have not yet experience the fullness of My joy in their lives, so I have ordained you to go and bear much fruit for My kingdom, by bringing My healing to the nations! Yes, you heard me right! I want you to bring My healing to the nations of this world! Not just your nation, but many nations will be healed by My spirit and power which will be manifested in the Words From Jesus that I pour unto you!
Will you catch My words so that none falls into dry ground, but will be flowing through your body into the hearts of those who are hungry and thirsty for Me? Will you be My Bamboo? Will you let Me put you where you need to be, so that you can let My water flow through you and reach the ends of the world with My love?
If your answer is “Yes”, then today is the beginning of a new chapter in your life, for from henceforth you shall see My power manifested in your life like never before! Trust Me and watch what I will do through one of My children and brides who is willing to say “Yes” to Me! Like the “Yes” pronounced by a spouse on the day of the wedding, it will remain recorded in the annals of Heaven forever! Yes, you heard Me right; your “YES” has been recorder in the annals of Heaven and you have been listed as a special one, both a child and a bride!
I love you with an everlasting love and nothing will ever separate you from My love!
More “Words from Jesus”: http://renatoamato.com/en/journaling/words-from-jesus/
Renato, thank you for these words from Jesus. They are so uplifting and comforting. It is so wonderful to know that He is in charge and all I have to do is give Him my life and love Him with all my heart. He has given us all we will ever need to live the life he has called us to live. God bless you my dear friend. Your brother in Christ David.
.-= David Bean´s last blog ..Spiritual Fatherhood: Serving or Seeking =-.
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