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The joy of living each day!

There is an amazing place where each one of us can find peace in our heart and joy in our life, by inhaling its scent and expressing our gratitude for everything we experience in life every day! Life is truly wonderful, worthy to be lived and enjoyed to the full, not only its full length, but also its full depth! We can appreciate each experience every day, no matter how long we will live! What matters is not how long, but how well we live!

The quality of life is more important than its length! If we were able to appreciate and enjoy every moment of life as the most important one we live, it would gain immeasurable value and a true significance that would fill our hearts with joy unspeakable! This is not a chimera, but a reality! Some of us know it, but unfortunately many have lost sight of it! They are too busy trying to fill up their lives with goods to be able to appreciate the good of life, and that’s why they feel “empty”, no matter how much they own!

Joy is a reality, and everyone can find! It is not far from us, but much closer than we think. Unfortunately we can only see what we are actually looking to, and often our eyes are turned elsewhere. It would be enough to turn our eyes to what really matters to make our life worthwhile and give it meaning! You don’t have to resign yourself to a life without value and a reason for being, but you can experience its full wealth and learn to appreciate every facet of it. You are here for a reason, and it’s your job to discover it and live it “to the full”!

What would it mean for you to experience the joy of living each day, knowing that you are here for a special purpose? There is a magnificent destiny that awaits you, a wonderful plan to discover and fulfill every day, but you have to make choices and take decisions! There is no reason to feel “victim” of circumstances, because we all have the ability to choose and to change our reality. It only depends on what we believe is possible!

If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes“! This is not just another powerful sentence of a skillful motivational speaker of modern days, but a truth carved from thousands of years in what we recognize for good reasons as Holy Scriptures (Mark 9:23). These are words that for centuries have empowered the minds and hearts of those who desire to add true meaning to their existence! Whether or not you are certain of the divinity of Christ, the truth remains the truth, and there is no doubt that His words have given life and truth to some of the greatest men of history, and they continue to offer it to us today!

By stating that “all things are possible to him who believes“, Jesus offers us a life view of unlimited possibilities and reaffirms the principle of our “majesty of choice”!  We are each able to make choices that can change our life, but we first must believe that it’s possible! If we think that it’s not, then we will resign ourselves to live our life just as we have until now!

And you? Do you believe you can change your life for the better? Do you think you can build a better future? The past is past, and you cannot change it! But you can certainly change your future, by making wise choices that you will get you moving in the right direction!

Stop! Look! Listen to what your heart is telling you, and open yourself to life! Let the Spirit who created you, and put you here for a purpose, become part of you and open your eyes to the way to follow! If you do, you will find that the amazing place where you can find peace and joy in life every day, is not that far from you, you just need to look in the right direction!

It is a process of awareness and discovery of the true values of life! Once you are aware of the purpose for which you are in this world, you will have a clearer vision and healthy goals for your life, and you will wake up every day with excitement at the opportunities available! You will start walking the path where you will experience the joy of living each day!

P.S.: We all need someone to walk with us along the path of life, someone who believes in us and will cheer us up when we fall and need the courage to start moving forward again! If you are in a place where you need a life coach, someone who will be your cheerleader and will help you get up again, and even walk with you for a distance on the road ahead, do not hesitate to contact us and find out how to join a “walk of life” with us.

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1 thought on “The joy of living each day!”

  1. Renato, thank you for sharing your WFJ. So inspirational and life forming. Blessings as you continue your journey. May Jesus continue to lift you and Patrizia through His grace moment by moment. Brother Ben

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