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WFJ: Publish My words in a book!

(Today’s Words From Jesus): “Turn your eyes upon Me, look into My eyes and let My Spirit speak to your heart! My Spirit watches over you carefully, for you are precious in My sight! I have rescued you with My blood for a purpose! Your life is meant to glorify Me before men, that they might see My glory “and glorify our Father which is in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16)!

How is your life going to glorify Me before men, you ask? Be silent before Me and let Me be glorified through My words! It through the words that I speak to you that I will touch their hearts and reveal My glory! The words that I speak unto you” (John 6:63) are not yours, but Mine, and I whisper them into each one of Mine children’s hearts who love Me and seek Me! Those who are led by My Spirit to read what I have spoken to you, they don’t come to read your words, but Mine, for they know that I speak to you and this is what drives them here!

Behold, I say unto you to publish My words in a book, that they might have them available in the hour of need! Publish the words that I speak unto you and provide them with My life-giving balm! The heart of man is broken and in need of  healing! I will pour My words as a loving balm to heal their hearts! I will give you words that will heal their hearts and change their lives! I will give you words of life that will touch their hearts and transform them from “hearts of stone” to hearts of love (Ezekiel 36:26)!

Teach My children to receive My love! Teach them to hear My voice of love! Teach them that My Spirit “is love” (1John 4:8), and I dwell in their hearts as much as in yours! Each one of My children can be led by My Spirit of love which has been poured in their hearts! I desire to reveal My glory through the words that I speak to you! They will change the lives of those of My children who read what you write and ardently desire to be transformed by My Spirit!

My heart goes after the hearts of My children as much as they “pant after Me” (Psalm 42:1)! I desire to live in My children’s hearts and help them experience My glory through My love! My Spirit was poured “upon all flesh” (Acts 2:17) for a purpose! Do you know what that is? I desire to restore the intimate communion we had before the fall of man, when he drifted from Me to follow his own ways! I desire to reconnect with the hearts of My children so that they might know the “joy unspeakable” (1 Peter 1:8) that I pour on those who love Me!

Are you grasping what I’m telling you? Imagine a father who runs towards His children with wide open arms, longing to take them into His embrace and reunite with them! Thats’ not an imagination, but it’s what I’m doing each and every day! I run towards My children who seek Me and I long to reveal Myself to them, but some are not capable of hearing My voice that whispers in their hearts and calls them to Me! Some hear it and they seek Me in their darkness, but are struggling to find Me! They need someone to help them learn what you have learned in these past few years! They need someone to teach them to hear My voice!

Don’t be afraid to publish the words that I speak to you,  for they are not your words, they are Mine! They will read them and will know that it’s Me speaking, for “they will recognize My voice and they will follow Me” (John 10:4)! I have so much to say unto My children, so much to pour into their hearts, if they only knew how to hear what I have to tell them today! Let Me reach them through you, My beloved Bamboo, and don’t argue with Me, wondering what I’m doing in your life, for I have already told you what I intend to do with you!

I have set you apart to make you listen to My voice and, through your channel, I want to reach the world! Let Me pour My Words through you, and don’t refer back to the past, for this is what I want to do through you now: I want to speak to the world!

First I placed you here, by setting you apart to teach you to listen to My voice every day; then I led you to those who taught you to pour My words to the world. Now I want you to start publishing in books the words that I speak to you, so that you might have of what to live through those who will seek for your books and will read them for their growth! Behold, this is what I desire to so do with you: I want you to write and publish the Words that I speak to you in books! Let Me reveal My glory through this, let Me multiply your readers through My “words of eternal life” (John 6:68)!

More “Words from Jesus”:

6 thoughts on “WFJ: Publish My words in a book!”

  1. Renato,

    I wholeheartedly agree with this “God idea!” GO FOR IT! God has what people desperately need and He wants to use you to get it to them! As a matter of fact it is a reminder to me of what I was being led to do with the WFJ I had received before I ever started my blog. I guess I dropped that ball when I started publishing online. Sometimes it is good to have these words in black and white in your own hands right when you need them!

    Others have encouraged me to put them in a book so I truly appreciate your posting this WFJ. I believe the Lord can use an army of His children who hear and publish His words so it will become a REALITY to the world that God does speak to his beloved children and wants to carry on a continual intimate lifelong dialogue with those who have a hungry heart and listening ears.

    I call this book forth out of God’s heart through yours to all the broken hearts it will speak life into, in the mighty name of Jesus! Hallelujah and amen.

    I thank God for you, dear Brother, and for your willing heart!
    .-= Nancy Slocum´s last blog ..#WFJ: BE A REFLECTION OF ME WHEREVER YOU ARE! BE OUTSTANDING! =-.

  2. Dar Brother Renato,

    Your words are truly inspired through your communion with the Holy Spirit of Jesus. As I read, it came to me that your words of devotion and inspiration may appear in your book of living waters (Words From Jesus) in a fashion that may be slightly adjusted. Having said that, it doesn’t necessarily make it so. But, here are my thoughts as we grow in love and devotion together in Jesus.

    Brother Ben

    “Turn your eyes upon Me, look into My eyes and let My Spirit speak to your heart! My Spirit watches over you carefully, for you are precious in My sight! I have rescued you with My blood for a purpose! Your life is meant to glorify Me before men, that they might see My glory “and glorify our Father which is in Heaven” (Matthew 5:16)!

    How is your life going to glorify Me before men, you ask? Be silent before Me and let Me be glorified through My words! It is through the words that I speak to you that I will touch your hearts and reveal My glory! “The words that I speak unto you” (John 6:63) are Mine, and I whisper them into each one of my children’s hearts who love Me and seek Me! Those who are led by My Spirit and search for My Spirit hear me through My word and prayer and through the lives of others. It is I who speaks to you in purity and in truth.

    I give you words of life that touch our heart and transforms from “hearts of stone” to hearts of love (Ezekiel 36:26)!

    Each of us who are divinely led are to encourage My children to receive My love! Encourage them to hear My voice of love! Let them know that My Spirit “is love” (1John 4:8), and I dwell in their hearts as much as in yours! Each one of My children can be led by My Spirit of love which has been poured into their hearts! It is God’s desire to reveal His glory through the words that I speak! My Words will change the lives of those of My children who read My Word ardently and desire to be transformed by My Spirit!

    My heart goes after the hearts of My children as much as they “pant after Me” (Psalm 42:1)! I desire to live in My children’s hearts and help them experience My glory through My love! My Spirit was poured “upon all flesh” (Acts 2:17) for a purpose! Do you know what that is? I desire to restore the intimate communion we had before the fall of man, when he drifted from Me to follow his own ways! I desire to reconnect with the hearts of My children so that they might know the “joy unspeakable” (1 Peter 1:8) that I pour on those who love Me!

    Are you grasping what I’m telling you? Imagine a father who runs towards His children with wide open arms, longing to take them into His embrace and reunite with them! That’s not an imagination, but it’s what I’m doing each and every day! I run towards My children who seek Me and I long to reveal Myself to them, but some are not capable of hearing My voice that whispers in their hearts and calls them to Me! Some hear it and they seek Me in their darkness, but are struggling to find Me! Listen to My voice!

    As I speak “they will recognize My voice and they will follow Me” (John 10:4)! I have so much to say unto you, My children, so much to pour into your hearts, if they only knew how to hear what I have to tell them today! Let Me reach them through you, My beloved Bamboo, and don’t argue with Me, wondering what I’m doing in your life, for I have already told you what I intend to do with you!

    You have been set you apart as you listen to My voice. Let Me reveal My glory through My “words of eternal life” (John 6:68)!
    .-= Ben Stewart´s last blog ..VICTORY IN BROKENNESS =-.

  3. Renato I agree with everyone who has said yes to the book. God has chosen you to be his voice, because you said yes to Him and were available for Him to use you. Just as you obeyed Him to publish WFJ on your website, now go and put His words in a this book. God will provide all you need. God bless you my friend.
    .-= David Bean´s last blog ..Spiritual Fatherhood: Reconciliation =-.

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