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Easter: resurrection of your dreams!

As we prepare to celebrate Easter Sunday, the whole world is commemorating the passion and death of Jesus Christ, culminating with His glorious Resurrection, an event that has changed the course of History and the destiny of mankind… even your destiny!

No one can be sure whether Jesus actually died on Friday, according to tradition, or the day before, as the Gospel seems to indicate. Jesus, in fact, predicted that “the Son of man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40). So, if He rose again “after the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week” (Matthew 28: 1), which is Sunday, then He was buried on Thursday, before sunset. What’s important for us, though, is not so much to establish the exact day that Jesus died, but the meaning of His resurrection and what it implies for us human beings.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not only at the heart of human history, but also of our destiny, so it’s important to understand the true meaning of that event and what it implies for all of us human beings. We were not created to die, but to live eternally and fulfill the dreams God placed in our hearts.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is what made it possible! The word of God, in fact, says that by His resurrection, “Jesus Christ has abolished death and has brought life and immortality to light” (2 Tim. 1:10). “Christ is risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that are asleep. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Cor. 15: 20-22).

God’s original plan was for human beings to live and enjoy His creation forever, but through an act of disobedience death was brought into our human history, shattering all our hopes and dreams for the future. Through His resurrection, Jesus settled the question forever, and now He’s turning to you, saying: “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believes in Me, though he was dead, yet shall he live: and whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe it” (John 11:25,26)?

If you do, then you have hope for your future , because you know that your dreams will not be shattered by your death, because “God cannot lie” (Titus 1:2) and you can have a vision that will expand beyond your life into eternity!

This made me think of a reflection I read some time ago…

The three trees

It’s the story of three trees in the forest that were discussing all their hopes and dreams and what they each wished to become.

The first tree said, ‘I hope to someday become a treasure chest. I will be filled with gold, silver and precious gems, and will be admired by all.’

The second tree said: ‘My hope is to become a mighty ship that will bring kings to the far corners of the world. With the strength of my structure everyone will feel safe ‘.

The third tree said, ‘I want to become the tallest tree in the forest. Standing on top of the hill, people will look up and see the heavens through my branches. I will be the greatest tree of all time and will be remembered by all’.

A few years went by and each tree prayed that his wishes would come true.

One day some woodcutters come into the woods. One saw the first tree and said: ‘This seems very sturdy, I can certainly sell the wood to a carpenter’. And he began cutting. The tree was happy, knowing that the carpenter would make it into a treasure chest. Seeing the second tree, another woodsman said, ‘This one also looks strong, I will be able to sell it to a shipyard’. The second tree was also happy, knowing it was about to become a mighty ship. But, as the woodcutters came near to it, the third tree was scared, because if they would cut it down, his dreams would never come true. One of the woodsman said, ‘I’m not sure what I will do with this tree, but meanwhile I will cut it down’. And he did.

Delivered to the carpenter, the first tree was transformed into a crate for animal feed, it was placed in a barn and filled with hay. It certainly wasn’t what he had hoped for. The second tree was cut down and turned into a small fishing boat. His dreams of becoming a mighty ship and carrying kings were also shattered. The third tree was cut into beams and left in the dark. This meant the end of their dreams, and their hopes seemed dashed forever.

Years passed by and they had forgotten their dreams, when one day a man and a woman took shelter in the cave where the crate for animal feed had been placed. The woman gave birth to a baby boy who was laid in the manger made from the first tree. This felt his importance and realized that it had received the greatest treasure of all time and that his dream had come true.

Years later, a group of men were crossing the sea on the fishing boat made from the second tree. One of them was asleep, when they were hit by a violent storm that shook the boat and the tree knew that it was not sturdy enough to protect the  passengers. The fishermen were afraid for their lives and woke the sleeping man, who stood and said: ‘Peace’, commanding the storm and the winds to immediately calm down. It was then that the tree realized it was carrying the King of kings in its boat and that his dream was coming true.

è risorto!Finally, someone took the beams obtained from the third tree. While being transported along the roads, people mocked the man who carried it on his shoulders. At the top of a hill, he was nailed to the tree and raised in the air before the crowd. At that time, the third tree suddenly knew that his dream was about to come true, because the Son of God was crucified on his wood and, from that day on, all mankind would remember him.

Saturday before Easter is in the gap between the death and resurrection, a transition that seems the end of all hopes and dreams, but the Lord promised: “I know the thoughts I have for you, they are plans of peace, not of evil, to give you hope for the future” (Jer. 29:11).

When things don’t seem to be going in the direction that you expected and your dreams are getting shattered, just know that God has wonderful plans for you and that “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5 ).

If you trust in Him, you will experience the resurrection of your dreams!

Happy Easter and Resurrection!

6 thoughts on “Easter: resurrection of your dreams!”

  1. Thank you Renato for sharing this wonderful message, including the story of the three trees and the inspirational video.

    I’ve often wondered myself about whether Jesus really died on a Friday and rose on a Sunday because He said repeatedly he would rise after 3 days. Yesterday, I receive divine insight to this.

    The Passover meal (Last Supper) took place in the evening and Jesus was crucified the next morning before dawn. Since the biblical (Hebrew) day starts at sundown (not 12:00 am) and goes to sundown the next day, the Passover meal and Passover sacrifice (Jesus’ death) both took place on the same day in God’s calendar just as it did with the Passover with Moses and the Israelites.

    I agree with you that current tradition for celebrating the Passover is inconsistent with Biblical truth and this undermines people understanding.

  2. Hi would love to do some work with you. Is there any possibility for me and my daughter to move up with you and preach the gospel and do some work with you Irene
    God s peace

  3. Pingback: Renato Amato » Blog Archive » The Passion of Christ: what’s yours?

  4. Pingback: Easter Reflection | faith and peanut butter

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