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What others say

While reading through some of the encouraging comments, notes and reactions, that people have been posting on our site, or emailing to us personally, I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to start collecting and posting some of them, as well as to ask for testimonials, so that you can benefit from them and be inspired to send us yours as well. We’d love to hear from you on how we have been impacting your life! Please send them in!

To Renato and Patrizia:

Thank you very much for this exellent Life -Breakthrough- Training-Course. I did a lot of studies, researches and trainings in my Life!  THIS is exceptional!

Here I experience Jesus`Love and commitment for a better world, for people be healed, to support them to find their way in more freedom. Thank you so much.

May the Lord bless you abundantly evermore.

Lots of LOVE,

Dr. Sybilla Matzenauer
Zurich, Switzerland

About Renato and Patrizia:

“I know Patrizia and Renato since quite a few years. I met them a few times in Germany at Seminars and we got acquainted. Then I visited them in Italy. There I’ve met so much love, inspiration and motivation one can’t imagine. They are loving, competent people who have helped me a lot on my way to get to know Jesus and find healing. I love them dearly.”

Hannelore Jeffery
Berlin, Germany.

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“I don’t think there’s anything more soul destroying than ‘feeling’ alone and unloved. This was the story for me after a couple of months of living in what people call the ‘eternal city’. Many experiences moved me from being a ‘somebody’ in London to a ‘nobody’ in Italy … struggling with the language, being bullied back in a classroom, broken promises, spending beyond my means, gaining weight, being attacked by killer mosquito’s, knocked down by the heat, defeated by a lack of friends and thrown into confusion by the chaos that is Rome.

My confidence and self esteem took a serious beating and it was into this state of utter brokenness, of feeling completely vulnerable and exposed, that God introduced me to Patrizia on a train station enroute to Viterbo. Surprisingly we were two of a handful of passengers who had to wait over an hour for another train to take us home. Not surprisingly I discovered that she had spent most of her life as a Christian Missionary in places like Bulgaria, Bangladesh and India. I say not surprisingly because, on reflection afterwards, I remembered having pleaded with God four years earlier to take me to a place where the language was foreign and I had no friends, no possessions, no family and no distractions … and in that moment, to reveal to my heart what it was He was calling me to do with my life. Mission and the conversion of souls have resonated in me ever since.

Patrizia, and her husband Renato, became the physical manifestations of Jesus to me, demonstrating in a visible and remarkably inspiring way, that the sacrificial love God calls us to can actually be lived and that dying to self can bear rich fruit …

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me” (Matthew 25:35-37).

Bernie Zov.,
London, UK.

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Email reaction on post: “WFJ: Feelings don’t change facts!

“Dear Renato,

These words talked directly to me! There was a response to each thought of anxiety that was stealing my joy the day before. Lo an behold, I wake up to the joy of hearing these words that I needed to hear from our Lord. The timing was perfect and the message crystal clear and comforting. What an awesome God we serve!

Truly, God speaks to me through your words, and I hear what I need to hear. There is no doubt, God is using you to heal hearts. Thank you for being obedient to His call and being so diligent in why He has called you to do. I feel very blessed to be able to communicate with you and and be prayed over by you. May God bless you and your family abundantly, and continue to speak through you.

In His love,
Aruna Ratnavib., USA.

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Comment on post: “WFJ: Feelings don’t change facts!

“Renato, this is amazing, these are the facts and the fact is that God loves us unconditionally, His love does not depend on what we do. It is a fact that nothing can keep us from His love. His unconditional love was expressed through His Son Jesus.
Your words from Jesus are so special, they warm my heart and help me see how special we all are in God’s eyes. I love you my brother. If we never meet in person on this side of heaven, that will be OK, because we will have eternity to get to know one another.

Author: David Bean, USA

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Comment on post: “WFJ: Take a ride!

“Dear Renato, your two-way prayer with our Father are words that inspire, console and cause reflection of my very soul. An inventory is made and illumination occurs within me. Thank you for always illuminating His spirit within each of us you touch, certainly for me. It is with love for you and Patrizia and your family that I write, through Christ, our loving and Risen Savior. Brother Ben

Author : Ben Stewart, USA

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Posted by Dr. Randy Peck, in “Your Daily Blessing“:

“Yesterday afternoon, Renato and I had our our weekly coaching call over the Internet. Wow!!! While I’m supposedly the one doing the coaching, it seems I’m the one receiving the most coaching as I learn so many valuable life lessons. I’m coming to appreciate the tremendous UNITY (oneness) that Renato and his wife Patrizia enjoy. Those are the kinds of people I want to hang around.

Renato’s blog has quickly become my favorite one ever. That says a lot. Renato is the only person in the world I know who is posting his two-way journal entries daily on his blog. He calls his daily messages WFJ = Words From Jesus.

I highly recommend subscribing to Renato’s blog. This will bless you, your marriage, and your family. And while your at it, why not let your friends know about Renato’s blog too?

Prayer Power

Heavenly Father, throughout history and the Bible, You have desired an intimate relationship with Your children in which they prioritize their time spent with You and with ears trained to listen to Your voice. Thank You that Renato is modeling this intimate relationship for others via the web. May Renato’s example be contagious. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

Author: Dr. Randy Peck, M.D., USA

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